Benjamín Matte.

Benjamín Matte.

Benjamín Matte.

Benjamín Matte.

Fabián Cambero.

Bruno Giliberto.

Bruno Giliberto.

Bruno Giliberto.



Gong is a project that was carried out at the Novedades Theater in the framework of Changing Places. Gong seeks to generate a microclimate, a landscape without a horizon, a space for dissolving boundaries. Gong could be a dance concert, a therapeutic session, a pause zone, a psychedelic nap.

The work explores the potential for sound effects on the physiology and composition of the body. Through the gong – millenary percussion instrument and healer – daily sessions were held where participants were invited to have a listening body experience, being played, moved by the sound vibration.

The exercise was to activate states of connectivity and synchronization of matter, movement between bodies: a microclimate with special affects and spatial effects. (Original text Gong_Javiera Peón-Veiga)

Scenic Arts


Javiera Peón-Veiga

Lighting Design
Antonia Peón-Veiga

Mounting Design
Antonia Peón-Veiga

Changing Places

Light sources used
Haluro Metálico / Sodio